Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I never wanna grow up!!!

You know as we are younger, adults always told us we needed to make up our minds, decide what we wanna be when we grow up. Go to college right after High School so you can get into a career of a lifetime! Ugh, that is SO LAME! Well, it isn't lame, it was smart advice. Did I take it? Nope!!! I am 25 years old, married, with a 1 year old son, working in a job that I totally HATE! My husband keeps telling me that I should come up with a plan, to go to school and get a degree in something, so I am not so misereable at my job. The thing is, I don't know what I wanna do! Growing up I've always had an interest in different professions. My mind changes almost on a daily basis. I just wanna be in a job that I will enjoy and be happy with. Here is the list of jobs I've contemplated over the years:

  • Author (I've always enjoyed writing, but that isn't realistic!)
  • Veternarian (I do love animals, but that is a LOT of schooling)
  • Nurse (I'm scared of needles, I know, I'm not the one being poked... still...)
  • Massage Therapist (I already went to school for it, but I get discouraged thinking about the next steps to actually get licensed, plus it's mainly based off of tips, not good!)
  • Dental Hygenist (Not sure if I REALLY wanna do it, just thought about it.)
  • Flight Stewardess (Would love to fly all over the world)
  • Travel Agent (Does anybody even use them anymore?!)
That is just a start, but in reality, I've thought of doing a LOT more! I think my ideal job, and I dunno if this is out of pure laziness, but I'd LOVE to be a stay at home Mom. I love being a mom and playing with my baby all day every day. Since I've been out of work, it's been good to be at home with Hunter, just spending time with him. The thing is, I've had the headaches so I can't really PLAY with him. I'd love to be able to take him to the park on a daily basis, go to the zoo, go to museums, watch him learn and grow. But unfortunately this world has made it very difficult for those Mom's out there, that wanna stay home. Money doesn't grow on trees. There are all kinds of things that need to be paid, Mortgage, Car Bills, Insurance, Electricity, everything has a price. I guess right now, I'm paying the price by working to get us out of debt so hopefully one day, I can actually say that I'm a stay at home mom who gets to play with her kids all day, every day. It's good to dream... right?!?

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